Diaper rash is a common skin irritation that affects babies and toddlers. Learn how to treat it and the best way to prevent it.
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Health games and videos for kids.
A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.
2 minutes; Ages 7–11
A walk through the pathology lab, where doctors examine blood and other bodily fluids, organs and tissues.
The AboutKidsHealth team works closely with the health-care professionals at The Hospital for Sick Children in the development and review of the health information on AboutKidsHealth.ca
25 minutes; Ages 11 and under
Choose your captain and complete missions in space by learning to recognize emotions and respond to them appropriately.
In this edition: Child life specialist, Rachael, and Librarian, Brian, practice book stretching.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
A list of resources for young people who may be questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.
30 minutes; Ages 8–13
Click through conversations to learn about building relationships on common interests, traits and experiences.
2:19; Ages 4–8
Hear from other kids about what bullying is, the different types of bullying, and why someone might bully.
This resource contains both general diabetes information and a series of educational videos about diabetes management and nutrition.
Read about chronic illness and ways to cope. Congenital heart disease is a common example. While it can often be well managed, it never goes away.
Read about family support teams, which may include a social worker, chaplain, patient rep, patient representative, and a bioethics consultant.
Learn how to effectively keep your baby safe when using baby equipment, including change tables, cribs, strollers, carriers/slings, playpens and more.
An in-depth description of what to expect for a child undergoing brain surgery for brain tumours.
Learn the math skills expected of your child at different stages.