Menstruation is experienced by people with female reproductive systems. Learn about menstruation and what makes up a normal menstrual cycle.
Suggestions for parents and caregivers of a young person with a developmental disability who has just started or is about to start menstruating. Menstrual suppression of periods is also discussed.
An easy-to-understand overview of this important stage in a young person's development.
Find answers to questions that teens may have as they go through puberty. Also find information on what you need to know before getting a tattoo or piercing.
Amenorrhea is the prolonged absence of a menstrual period. Learn about amenorrhea, possible causes and how it can be treated.
Menstrual suppression uses medications to make periods more manageable. The following decision aid will help you learn about the options available for menstrual suppression and identify the options that may be best for your child or teen.
An overview of conditions related to diabetes and how how often your child will need to be screened for each condition.
Most people with epilepsy can have full social, sexual, and family lives. Read about issues surrounding sex and reproduction for those with epilepsy.
Detailed information on the effect that brain tumour treatment may have on a girl’s pubertal development and fertility.
An overview of the signs, symptoms, treatments and medical options for canker sores.
Find out how to recognize the signs of acute pain at home and how your teen's pain is assessed in medical settings.
Discover how to help your teenager manage their diabetes and how it will affect their day-to-day lives.
Learn more about the options for transitioning and helpful resources for transgender youth and their families.
An overview of the causes, symptoms and complications of Turner syndrome.
Learn about the medical tests your child takes before a blood and marrow transplant.
Your child may have a headache for a number of different reasons. Find out what these are and what you can do to help alleviate the pain.
This guide outlines what children can understand about sexuality and reproduction at different stages.
Puberty is a stage of development where your child's body starts to take on adult form. Learn about puberty in girls and how to talk to your daughter about puberty.
Read about the causes and symptoms of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and how the condition is treated.
Gonadotropin deficiency can affect pubertal development in children. Learn more about gonadotropin deficiency, how it is diagnosed and treated.
Health games and videos for kids.
A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.