Learn about baby formula. Read about how to prepare the formula, how to create schedules and amounts, and how to prevent baby bottle tooth decay.
Find answers to frequently asked questions teenagers have about breastfeeding, including how long it's recommended, supplementing with formula, and troubleshooting.
Learn about your newborn baby's nutritional requirements and how to successfully feed them.
Find tips for introducing spoon feeding and cup drinking to your child with cleft lip and/or cleft palate and making the experience enjoyable.
Read about feeding a baby with a heart condition. It is best to breastfeed, but if you cannot, you can express your breast milk to keep up your milk volume.
Learn how to care for yourself when weaning your baby from breastfeeding and/or pumping. This page includes suggestions on how to remain as comfortable as possible while gradually reducing your milk production to the desired amount.
Supplementation is a way to give your baby extra nutrition and calories while breastfeeding. Read about what supplies are required and tips for successful feeding.
Learn about the potential effects of using alcohol or cannabis/marijuana while breastfeeding and how to maximize safety when using medications or supplements.
Find out when to start feeding a baby solid food, how to tell when they are ready to start eating solids, and tips for introducing solids.
Read about various nutrition and feeding consultants, such as dietitians and lactation consultants, who work to ensure that babies and children with heart conditions receive proper nutrition.
How to effectively keep your newborn baby safe and comforted. Tips, such as holding them to offer proper head support, are included.
An in-depth list of recommended foods for older babies. Healthy choices of nutritious foods are provided, and allergenic foods are discussed.
Discover the various stages of your baby's nutrition and how to handle issues such as spitting up.
Fixing a cleft lip involves two operations. Learn about the operations and what you need to know before, during and after both surgeries.
Read about pumping or hand expressing your breast milk when you will be away from your breastfed baby during feeding time. Learn how to help the pumping process go more smoothly.
Learn the signs and symptoms to look for if you think your baby may have pyloric stenosis (a narrowing or blockage between the stomach and the intestines).
Enteral nutrition is any method of feeding that uses the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to deliver nutrition to your child. It can include food given through their mouth or through a feeding tube.
You can still work on breastfeeding while your baby is in the hospital. Learn how to prepare for breastfeeding and recognize your baby’s feeding cues.
Learn about the possible causes of colic and ways to treat it. Colic, though upsetting for you and your baby, often goes away by three or four months of age.
Dehydration occurs when the body does not have enough water to function properly. Learn how illness can cause dehydration and how it is treated.
Learn about some of the problems that may occur with your child's feeding tube, why this is happening and what you can do to fix it.
Learn how and when to introduce different food textures to your child.
Learn the signs that your baby is ready to feed themselves and find out how to keep them safe while they eat solid foods.
Learn how to lower the risk of passing HIV to your baby and how the doctor can tell if your baby has HIV once they are born.