Physical activity and exercise are important parts of what you can do to manage cystic fibrosis (CF). Learn about activities you can do to improve your lung function.
Find out about cystic fibrosis and what you need to know to take care of it. Learn about how it can affect things such as exercise, nutrition and sleep and what you can do about it. Find resources to help you understand your rights with regards to your health care and help you to transition to adult care.
Physical activity and exercise are important parts of what you can do to manage cystic fibrosis (CF). Learn about activities you can do to improve lung function.
May is Cystic Fibrosis Month. Learn what causes cystic fibrosis, what the signs and symptoms are, and what treatments are available.
Oscillating PEP (positive expiratory pressure) is an airway clearance technique. Watch this video to learn the steps of performing oscillating PEP.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that affects different systems in your body.
The Cystic Fibrosis Clinic is an interdisciplinary team of health-care providers. Learn about the people you will meet and how they can help you.
Infection control is important in limiting the spread of germs between people with cystic fibrosis.
There are medications that you may have to take to keep your body healthy.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects different systems in your body, not just the respiratory system. There may also be changes in your liver, pancreas, intestines, muscles, bones, and reproductive organs.
There are four CFTR modulators available in Canada that are used to treat cystic fibrosis (CF) in people with specific genetic mutations.
There are several different ways cystic fibrosis patients can have their medications covered in Ontario. Learn what your child may qualify for and how to access these programs.
Regular clinic visits can help to identify health issues early on before they can cause harm.
Discover how physical activity can improve your child's physical health, brain function and mood.
Take this quiz to find out what type of exercise or activity is right for you based on your exercise preferences.
Regular physical activity can benefit your physical and mental health. Learn about how routine exercise can improve your strength, focus and mood.
A nebulizer and compressor are used to provide nebulized medications. Learn more about nebulizers and compressors.
Find out why physical activity plays an important role in improving the social, emotional and physical health of children who have had a heart transplant.
Find out about the two most common types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Symptoms and causes differ for each.
People with cystic fibrosis can maintain healthy bodies with nutritional support and advice.
Being active can help you feel better both physically and mentally and improve overall health. Learn how you can stay active during cancer treatment and after.
Physical activity plays an important role in improving the social, emotional and physical health of children who have had a kidney transplant.
Learn about the important role physical activity plays in improving the social, emotional and physical health of children who have had a lung transplant.