Second-hand smoke is harmful for babies and children. Learn tips on keeping your home 100% smoke-free.
Both smoking and vaping can be damaging to your health, especially if you have had cancer. Learn about how smoking and vaping affect your lungs and other health problems.
Find information about buying, installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home to keep your family safe.
There are certain preparatory steps that must be followed prior to having surgery. Learn about some things to avoid leading up to an operation for scoliosis.
Following scoliosis surgery there are things that your teen should avoid to ensure proper healing. Find out what these are, and why they are restricted.
Find out what needs to happen in order for you to be discharged from the hospital after having scoliosis surgery, including your physical abilities.
If your child has a weak immune system learn how to protect them against infection.
Read about sudden infant deaths while sleeping and about ways parents and caregivers can lower the risk in infants.
Read about the occurrence of secondary cancer after brain tumour treatment in your child. Find out what the risk factors are, how it will be screened and what can be done.
Find a list of supplies and medicines to include in a first aid kit. It is recommended that there be an equipped first aid kit in the house and in the car.
Optimizing your child’s asthma management can help them lead a normal, healthy life. Learn about asthma triggers, exercising with asthma, and asthma management at school.
Otitis media is a middle ear infection caused by a backup of fluid behind the eardrum. Learn the causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment of otitis media.
Mastoiditis is an infection caused by bacteria within the bone behind the ear. Learn more about what causes mastoiditis and find out how it is diagnosed and treated.
Learn how your child's routine will change as they adjust to life with a fixator.
Bronchiolitis is an infection of the lungs caused by a virus that most children will get by the time they are two. Usually, it is not a serious illness and goes away within seven to 10 days. Cough associated with bronchiolitis can last for a few weeks.
Learn about motor development in the second half of a baby's first year of life. Milestones such as sitting up, standing, and walking are discussed.
Every patient's recovery following scoliosis surgery is different. Read about what to expect following your child’s surgery including how they will be monitored immediately after the operation, during recovery and after discharge from the hospital.
Sleep apnea is a condition that affects a child's breathing while they are sleeping. Learn about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis.
Find information on how your child's lungs, heart, kidneys, and bladder may be affected by chemotherapy.
Find answers to frequently asked questions teenagers have about breastfeeding, including how long it's recommended, supplementing with formula, and troubleshooting.
Find out how to help your teen to stay healthy and properly manage their diabetes as they learn to navigate adolescence.
Learn about the different causes and types of coughs. Find out how you can take care of your child at home and how to make them more comfortable.
Learn about what your child should expect when preparing for scoliosis surgery, including a pre-surgery teaching session, X-rays, clinical photos, blood work and other imaging tests.
Teens living with hemophilia can learn why smoking is bad news for their health.
Some children will require a pre-anesthesia clinic (PAC) appointment before coming to the hospital for surgery. This depends on their medical history and the surgery they are booked for.