Learn how to make a salt rinse (saline solution) at home.
Find out how an antegrade continence enema can help your child and how to give an antegrade continence enema at home.
Urinary catheters require regular cleaning and irrigation to keep them working properly. Find out how to care for your child's catheter at home.
Learn what to pack in your child's medical travel bag when you and your child leave the home.
Learn how to properly care for your child at home after a nephrostomy tube insertion.
Following a mitrofanoff operation, parents and children will empty the child's bladder using a catheter. Learn about how to use and care for a catheter.
Learn step-by-step instructions for tip, tube and deep suctioning of your child's tracheostomy tube.
Learn about some of the problems your child may have if they have a cecostomy tube (C-tube). Problems can include the C-tube moving, falling out, getting blocked or causing skin problems.
Learn how to identify and respond to the signs of respiratory distress if there is a blockage in your child's tracheostomy tube.
Find information about what a cecostomy tube (C-tube) is and why it is used. Also learn about how a C-tube is inserted, the risks and how to care for it once it is inserted.
Learn why heparin locking is done, and the steps you must follow to heparinize your child’s CVL/PICC.
Silver nitrate can be used to help remove granulation tissue around your child's stoma. Learn more about silver nitrate and how to apply it to your child.
Discover the precautions to take when giving enemas to your child at home in order to relieve constipation.
An echocardiogram (or ‘echo’) is a special test that uses ultrasound (sound waves) to take pictures of the heart. Learn about how they are done, and how to help your child prepare for one.
Learn step-by-step instructions for cleaning your child's stoma.
Nasal cautery is a treatment for nosebleeds. Learn how the treatment works and how to care for your child as they recover at home.
Find out how oral rehydration therapy can treat dehydration caused by viral gastroenteritis.
Learn about hypertonic salt water soaks, when they can be used and how to make your own.
A guide on how to prepare liquid vancomycin to be given by mouth or through feeding tubes.
Learn how to change your child's dressing and keep their pin and wire sites clean during limb lengthening or correction.
Your child needs to take the medicine called acetylcysteine. This information sheet explains what acetylcysteine does, how to give it, and what side effects or problems your child may have when they take this medicine.
Learn about the mixture of nutrients in parenteral nutrition (PN) and how to provide your child PN at home.
A guide on dissolving and giving a portion of a hazardous medicine capsule safely.
Learn how a direct radionuclide cystogram is done and how it shows any problems in the bladder.