There are many types of cancer, but there are some things that are similar in most cancers. Learn about cells, tumours and how cancer spreads.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood cancer. Learn about how this cancer develops and what factors may affect the development of the disease.
Germ cell tumours are a type of cancer that start in the germ cells. Learn about where germ cell tumours are most commonly found, how they are diagnosed and the main types of treatment.
An overview of the causes, genetics, symptoms, diagnosis, environmental risks and treatment of childhood brain tumours.
Encourage healthy habits in your teen during cancer treatment and after with these expert tips.
Learn how gene changes can cause acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Your child's health-care team may offer red blood cell transfusions to treat your child's sickle cell disease. Learn about the treatment, including its benefits and risks.
Your health-care team may offer red blood cell transfusions or stem cell transplants to treat your sickle cell disease. Learn about both treatments, including their benefits and risks.
Learn about the general short- and longer-term effects of alcohol, cigarettes and recreational drugs and find out how these substances impact people with sickle cell disease.
Both cancer and cancer treatments can cause a range of symptoms. Find out why this is and hear from other teens about their experiences.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common type of leukemia in teenagers and young children. Learn about the different types of ALL and possible symptoms.
Managing and treating sickle cell disease may involve different types of treatments and medications. Learn what these are and why it is important to talk to the health-care team about all your child's treatment and medications.
Your child's health-care team may offer stem cell transplants to treat your child's sickle cell disease. Learn about the treatment, including its benefits and risks.
Thyroid cancer starts in the thyroid gland in the front of the neck. Find out how it is diagnosed, treated and the prognosis.
Late effects of cancer treatment may occur months or years after treatment has finished. Learn about the types of late effects, how to minimize your risk and where to find more information.
Sickle cell pain can cause you to sit, stand or move in uncomfortable ways that increase muscle tension, muscle weakness and pain. Find out how progressive muscle relaxation can help with this.
Learn about possible interactions between cancer treatments and natural health products
Scans can help your health-care team diagnose cancer, decide what type of treatment is best and see how the cancer is reacting to treatment. Learn about the different types of scans and why you may need one.
Managing and treating sickle cell disease may involve different types of treatments and medications. Learn what these are and why it is important to talk to your health-care team about all your treatments and medications.
Read about the occurrence of secondary cancer after brain tumour treatment in your child. Find out what the risk factors are, how it will be screened and what can be done.
Many teenagers who are diagnosed with cancer will want to know how their cancer will affect them now. Learn about the types of feelings you may have, what might change in your life and where you can find support.
This page gives an overview of the different types of germ cell tumours, what the symptoms of germ cell tumours are and how they are treated.