Health games and videos for kids.
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Here is an introduction to scoliosis surgery. Links are provided to pages that give information about what will happen before, during, and after surgery.
A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.
The AboutKidsHealth team works closely with the health-care professionals at The Hospital for Sick Children in the development and review of the health information on
A list of resources for young people who may be questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.
25 minutes; Ages 11 and under
Choose your captain and complete missions in space by learning to recognize emotions and respond to them appropriately.
In this edition: Child life specialist, Rachael, and Librarian, Brian, practice book stretching.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
This page contains information on book resources available for parents of premature babies.
Read about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Landau-Kleffner syndrome epilepsy, a rare condition in which children have difficulty with speech.
Read about different characteristics and types of temperament and how you can match your parenting approach to your child’s behavioural style.
Crutches are used to take the weight off of an injured leg. Find instructions for how to use crutches, including how to go up and down the stairs.
Learn about the common items in your basement, such as bleach, cleansers and lightbulbs, that may be hazardous to children and what you should do if they are accidentally consumed.
Information for parents and caregivers on helping kids stay safe while skating, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling or tobogganing.
Impacts of chronic pain on children are discussed, including impact on mood, school, socializing, hobbies, sleep, and family.
Find out the answers to several frequently asked questions about scoliosis from leading spine surgeons. Trusted answers from The Hospital for Sick Children.
The general surgery team focuses on a wide variety of congenital anomalies and acquired diseases of the digestive tract, abdomen, chest and lungs, head and neck, and endocrine organs.
Therapeutic clown A. Leboo shows us why it is important to wash our hands properly. By covering his hands with paint, you will see all of the places that didn't get washed properly - yikes!Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
Therapeutic clown A. Leboo has a hard time swallowing pills. Child Life Specialists help A. Leboo learn how to swallow pills by practicing with different sizes of candy.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
Therapeutic clown Soleil and Child Life Specialist Rachel give us reasons why it's good for us to be silly. What is your favourite silly thing to do?Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.