Read about Tetralogy of Fallot, a condition involving four congenital defects that occur when the heart does not develop normally.
If your child has a heart condition, you may notice changes in their behaviour or that they display behavioural problems from time to time.
Learn about the role that genetics plays in many heart conditions that afflict children.
Blue spells occur when a child's lungs are not receiving enough blood to carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Find out what to do in case of a blue spell.
Learn about congenital heart disease in children. Congenital heart disease happens when parts of the heart do not form properly.
Learn about the treatment of heart conditions. Find out about the different types of heart treatment and the right questions you should ask the doctor about the treatment.
Learn about open-heart, closed-heart, and minimally invasive heart surgery.
Learn about atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD) in children. This condition involves the lung overfilling with blood.
Learn about safe levels of activity for adults with congenital heart disease. Activity generally has positive effects on the body and its organs.
22q11DS is a genetic condition with a wide range of symptoms. Learn about some of the more common medical features of 22q11DS.
Children with Down syndrome may be at a higher risk for some medical conditions. Learn what these conditions are and how to manage them.
A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.
An in-depth description of the potential side effects of chemotherapy for children suffering from brain tumours.
This page lists the different types of arthritis that can arise in young people. Knowing the type of arthritis you have can help you understand your condition and how it will do over time.
Impacts of chronic pain on children are discussed, including impact on mood, school, socializing, hobbies, sleep, and family.
There are many types of cancer that can be diagnosed in children and teenagers. Learn about where to find information on different cancers and the types of questions you can ask your health-care team.
The types of cancer that children and teenagers get are often different from the types that older adults get. Learn about some of the more common types of cancer in young people.
This page gives an overview of how to help your teen with arthritis take control of their arthritis. It leads to pages on how to help your teen learn to manage own health care.
Read about some of the advantages of having surgery to correct scoliosis, as well as some of the advantages of not having surgery.
The side effects from chemotherapy medications are not the same for everyone. Find out what the possible side effects of taking chemotherapy medications are and how they can be managed.
Learn about coarctation of the aorta, a condition that involves a narrowing of the major artery leading from the heart to the body, affecting blood pressure. Find out how this condition can impact your life now and in the future.
Read about the long-term consequences of pain on a child, the importance of a child's pain management. A discussion of pain myths is included.
This page describes what is involved in the diagnosis of rhabdoid tumours.