Learn some important things to keep in mind when making a decision about epilepsy surgery, such as surgery goals, risks and possible complications.
Read about causes and symptoms of myoclonic seizures and how they are treated.
Learn about what causes seizures, the different types of seizures and what the concept of the seizure threshold means.
Learn how a SPECT scan helps identify where seizures start in the brain.
Find out how epilepsy is diagnosed and what questions to ask to make sure you understand the diagnosis.
Read about the causes and symptoms of atonic seizures, or “drop attacks”, and how they are treated.
An overview of seizures and epilepsy, with information about treatment options.
Read about the symptoms and causes of absence seizures and how best to help your child when they have one.
Read about causes and symptoms of complex partial seizures and how they are treated.
Find out what happens during an electroencephalogram before epilepsy surgery.
The prognosis of an illness is a forecast of how it will develop and the outcome after treatment. Read about the factors that affect the prognosis of a child with epilepsy.
Read about the causes and symptoms of status epilepticus and how it is treated.
Read about what to do in case of a seizure to ensure your child's safety and comfort.
Read about various anti-epileptic drug therapies available for your child.
Learn how a neuropsychological assessment is done and how it helps your child's epilepsy team plan your child's treatment.
Children with epilepsy can participate in most sports and physical activities. Read about sports risks and benefits for children with epilepsy.
Find out how a PET scan helps identify where seizures start in the brain.
Find out what happens when your child is admitted for a video EEG in the epilepsy monitoring unit.
Read about the symptoms and causes of simple partial seizures and how they are treated.
Read about the types of epilepsy and the suggested treatments.
Find out how invasive monitoring uses electrodes directly on your child's brain to pinpoint where seizures start.
Learn about the methods of diagnosis, an important stage in understanding the cause of your child's seizures.
Tonic-clonic seizures involve sudden muscle stiffening and contraction, and rhythmic twitching or jerking. Read about their causes and how they can be treated.
Read about the causes and symptoms of absence epilepsy and how the condition is treated.
Find out how seizures are classified, or grouped together and how they may impact a child.