Children who require heart transplants have complicated medical issues. Learn how physiotherapy can help your child before and after a heart transplant.
Physiotherapy can help with pain, weakness, limited range of motion, and reduced physical ability. Learn how a physiotherapist can help your child or teenager with JIA management.
Read about exercise and physiotherapy, and how they benefit pain management.
Detailed information on the importance of physiotherapy and exercise to the rehabilitation process after neurosurgery.
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy treatment (CPT) is used to clear mucus from the airways. Learn about the benefits of CPT and the different techniques you can learn to help clear your baby’s airways.
Learn how physiotherapy keep joints healthy for teens living with hemophilia.
Depending on your cancer treatment, you may need to see a physiotherapist to help you recover. Find out what physiotherapy is and how a physiotherapist can help you.
There are medications that you may have to take to keep your body healthy.
Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy treatment (CPT) is used to clear mucus from the airways. Learn about the benefits of CPT and the different techniques you can learn to help clear your child’s airways.
Following heart surgery, your child will need to exercise to keep their lungs clear. Read how deep breathing, splinted coughing and moving will help.
Oscillating PEP (positive expiratory pressure) is an airway clearance technique. Watch this video to learn the steps of performing oscillating PEP.
Torticollis occurs when one of the neck muscles is tighter on one side than the other. Surgery may be needed to treat torticollis if physiotherapy and stretching exercises that are done in the first year of a child’s life are not enough.
Tips for teens living with hemophilia and looking for their first job.
An overview of the causes, symptoms and therapy for muscular dystrophy, a group of inherited diseases that are characterized by weak muscles that get weaker with age.
This page lists different treatments for juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
There are many reasons your child might need rehabilitation therapy. Learn how occupational therapy and physiotherapy can help your child.
Treatment for somatic symptoms is most effective when it is provided by a range of health-care professionals. Discover the various medical, mental health and rehabilitation supports that can help your child or teen.
Read about the long-term consequences of pain on a child, the importance of a child's pain management. A discussion of pain myths is included.
Learn what an intestinal rehabilitation program is, which areas of care are involved in an intestinal rehabilitation program and how they help children with managing intestinal failure.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition that affects different systems in your body.
Infection control is important in limiting the spread of germs between people with cystic fibrosis.
After a heart transplant, your child will need to stay in hospital for at least two to four weeks. Learn about what is involved in your child's recovery.