Read about sudden infant deaths while sleeping and about ways parents and caregivers can lower the risk in infants.
Read about sudden cardiac death. It occurs both in people who have a diagnosed heart condition, and in those that never show symptoms and are undiagnosed.
If your infant has heart surgery, there are specific activity recommendations you must follow. Learn how to help your infant recover after heart surgery.
Learn about making sleep time easier and safer for your newborn baby.
How to effectively keep your newborn baby safe and comforted. Tips, such as holding them to offer proper head support, are included.
Read about the proper sleep time for babies. Learn several ways of avoiding sleep time problems. Several tips to make sleep time easier are included.
Second-hand smoke is harmful for babies and children. Learn tips on keeping your home 100% smoke-free.
GERD causes the backwards movement of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Learn how you can help your child manage GERD.
Learn about the supports available to families coping with pregnancy and infant loss, including perinatal palliative care.
Read about the causes, symptoms and treatments for encephalopathies and progressive syndromes.
Learn about the benefits of tummy time and how to encourage your baby to spend supervised awake time on their stomach.
The risk of complications involved with surgical procedures to correct congenital heart disease is very low.
Nephrotic syndrome is one of the most common kidney diseases in children. It presents as a group of symptoms, which occur together in the body and include the presence of protein (albumin) in the urine and edema (swelling).
Learn about safe levels of activity for adults with congenital heart disease. Activity generally has positive effects on the body and its organs.
Death benefits are payable to families to help with the cost of funerals after a motor vehicle collision. Learn about accessing death and funeral benefits in Ontario.
Learn about what causes seizures, the different types of seizures and what the concept of the seizure threshold means.
There are many reasons your child might need rehabilitation therapy. Learn how occupational therapy and physiotherapy can help your child.
Find out how acute pain is identified and assessed, at home and in medical settings, in children not old enough to speak.
Learn about flat head syndrome and how it is treated.
Read about the causes and symptoms of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome epilepsy and how the condition is treated.
Learn about heart-related syndromes. A syndrome is a medical term for a collection of signs and symptoms that generally stem from a single cause.
Down syndrome is a genetic condition present at birth. Learn about the symptoms, complications and outlook for children with Down syndrome.
Learn about the different types of allergic reactions that infants and children may experience to proteins found in cow's milk.
Read about the symptoms of neonatal withdrawal syndromes and approaches to treatment.
Marfan syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder of connective tissue. About 60% to 80% of people with this syndrome have heart problems.