Read about the symptoms, prevention, first aid treatment and proper care for a child experiencing febrile seizures.
Find out how seizures are classified, or grouped together and how they may impact a child.
Read about the causes, symptoms and treatments for generalized epilepsy syndromes.
A fever can be a sign that the body is fighting an infection. Learn how to properly care for your baby, toddler or child with a fever.
Read about the signs and symptoms of different types of seizures.
Read about the causes, symptoms and treatments for encephalopathies and progressive syndromes.
Read about the causes and features of temporal lobe epilepsies as well as how they are treated and long-term outlook.
Read about the causes, symptoms and treatments for partial epilepsy syndromes.
Read about what to do in case of a seizure to ensure your child's safety and comfort.
Find out how to recognize and treat the signs and symptoms of a roseola infection.
An overview of seizures and epilepsy, with information about treatment options.
Learn about what causes seizures, the different types of seizures and what the concept of the seizure threshold means.
Discover the physical and behavioural signs that your baby may be ill and learn when to take your baby to a health-care provider.
Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of this serious skin infection.
Tonic-clonic seizures involve sudden muscle stiffening and contraction, and rhythmic twitching or jerking. Read about their causes and how they can be treated.
Read about the symptoms and causes of simple partial seizures and how they are treated.
Read about the causes and symptoms of atonic seizures, or “drop attacks”, and how they are treated.
An overview of the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and prevention of this rare, but harmful, condition in children.
Learn how a urinary tract infection affects the bladder and kidneys and how it can be treated.
Read about the causes and symptoms of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and how the condition is treated.
Rheumatic fever can develop when strep throat is not treated fully with antibiotics. Find out about what symptoms children with rheumatic fever experience and how it is treated.
An overview of this condition marked by an inflammation of the lining of the sinuses, along with tips on how to help your child recover.
Your child needs to take the medicine called baclofen. This information sheet explains what baclofen does, how it is given, and what side effects or problems your child may have when they take this medicine.
Your child needs to take the medicine called thiotepa. This information sheet explains what thiotepa does, how it is given, and what side effects or problems your child may have when they take this medicine.
Read about the causes and symptoms of status epilepticus and how it is treated.