Discover the physical and behavioural signs that your baby may be ill and learn when to take your baby to a health-care provider.
You can still work on breastfeeding while your baby is in the hospital. Learn how to prepare for breastfeeding and recognize your baby’s feeding cues.
It is important to pay attention to infant mental health, especially for babies with congenital heart disease (CHD). Learn how to read your baby's cues and how you can help your baby achieve their developmental milestones.
Learn about managing your baby's crying. Keeping calm and comforting your baby will often help soothe them.
Read about the various types of health care professionals who may need to treat a baby who is very ill. Answers from Canadian Paediatric Hospitals.
Crying in newborns is part of normal development. Learn how to effectively recognize the different types of cries your newborn baby might have.
Learn how to lower the risk of passing HIV to your baby and how the doctor can tell if your baby has HIV once they are born.
Learn how your baby's spina bifida is repaired with surgery either before or after they are born. Also learn what happens after surgery and how to take care of your baby at home.
If you are infected with HIV and pregnant, learn how certain medicines can lower the risk of passing HIV on to your baby.
Discover the various stages of your baby's nutrition and how to handle issues such as spitting up.
Helpful tips on holding and dressing a baby. Though they are not as fragile as they look, it is important to handle your baby gently for them to feel safe.
In bilateral choanal atresia both sides of the nasal passage are blocked by bone or soft tissue. Learn what happens during surgery and how to take care of your child at home.
Read about pumping or hand expressing your breast milk when you will be away from your breastfed baby during feeding time. Learn how to help the pumping process go more smoothly.
Learn how parents can effectively participate in the care of a baby in the NICU.
Sometimes infants do not gain weight at the rate they are supposed to. Find out ways to increase your baby's caloric intake in a healthy manner.
Learn about the benefits of tummy time and how to encourage your baby to spend supervised awake time on their stomach.
Your goal is to work with your child's teacher to get the best education for your child. Your child has the right to attend school and if you feel they're not getting a "fair shake," get involved with the administration.
How to effectively make bath time easier for your newborn. Information on giving a newborn baby a sponge bath is provided, as well as safety tips.
Read about feeding a baby with a heart condition. It is best to breastfeed, but if you cannot, you can express your breast milk to keep up your milk volume.
Learn about the possible causes of colic and ways to treat it. Colic, though upsetting for you and your baby, often goes away by three or four months of age.
What to do when a premature baby leaves the Hospital: A variety of important points for parents of premature babies to keep in mind.
Learn about the development of a baby's vision in the first year of life, including the development of spatial perception and depth perception.
How to effectively give a baby a bath, either in the baby tub or the "big" tub. Considerations for bathtub safety are provided.
Read about useful tips to care for infant skin, nails, teeth and gums.
Supplementation is a way to give your baby extra nutrition and calories while breastfeeding. Read about what supplies are required and tips for successful feeding.