Health games and videos for kids.
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A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.
25 minutes; Ages 11 and under
Choose your captain and complete missions in space by learning to recognize emotions and respond to them appropriately.
In this edition: Child life specialist, Rachael, and Librarian, Brian, practice book stretching.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
A list of resources for young people who may be questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.
2 minutes; Ages 7–11
A walk through the pathology lab, where doctors examine blood and other bodily fluids, organs and tissues.
The AboutKidsHealth team works closely with the health-care professionals at The Hospital for Sick Children in the development and review of the health information on
2:19; Ages 4–8
Hear from other kids about what bullying is, the different types of bullying, and why someone might bully.
30 minutes; Ages 8–13
Click through conversations to learn about building relationships on common interests, traits and experiences.
Read about coping with a diagnosis. While the diagnosis may be upsetting, the good news is that a child's pain is no longer a mystery.
Learn about medication for children with heart conditions. A doctor will prescribe a drug when it's clear that medication will improve a child's condition.
Therapeutic clown Fern and Child Life Specialist Rachel talk about how their bodies feel when they are anxious. Learn how to manage these feelings so you are prepared the next time you feel anxious.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
Therapeutic clown Soleil and Child Life Specialist Rachel talk about feelings - especially mad feelings. They show us ways to manage our anger. What do you do when you are feeling mad?Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
Find out the answers to several frequently asked questions about scoliosis from leading spine surgeons. Trusted answers from The Hospital for Sick Children.
Discover information about different bladder and genital conditions including bladder and bladder control problems, and conditions that affect the penis, like hypospadias.
Read about social and emotional development in a baby’s first year of life.