Read about intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), or bleeding in the brain, in premature babies.
Although many premature babies do not encounter any academic problems, some do. For example, up to 50% of very low birth weight (VLBW) babies will have some problems in school by Grade 3.
Read about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of post-hemorrhagic ventricular dilatation (PHVD) in newborn babies.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which can have more severe symptoms than acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
An in-depth look at what is involved in a biopsy as part of the medical diagnosis of brain cancer.
Learn some important things to keep in mind when making a decision about epilepsy surgery, such as surgery goals, risks and possible complications.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), which can cause physical and neurological changes in your child.
An in-depth description of what is involved in a CT scan as part of the medical diagnosis of a brain tumor. Answers from Canadian Paediatric Hospitals.
An in-depth description of what is involved in a MRI as part of the medical diagnosis of a brain tumor. fMRI and MRA are also discussed.
Read about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of neonatal seizures.
Health games and videos for kids.
Here is an introduction to scoliosis surgery. Links are provided to pages that give information about what will happen before, during, and after surgery.
A list of helpful glossary terms for Teens Taking Charge Managing Your Hemophilia program.
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The AboutKidsHealth team works closely with the health-care professionals at The Hospital for Sick Children in the development and review of the health information on
A list of resources for young people who may be questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation.
25 minutes; Ages 11 and under
Choose your captain and complete missions in space by learning to recognize emotions and respond to them appropriately.
In this edition: Child life specialist, Rachael, and Librarian, Brian, practice book stretching.Please note that this video was filmed prior to COVID-19.
This page contains information on book resources available for parents of premature babies.
Read about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Landau-Kleffner syndrome epilepsy, a rare condition in which children have difficulty with speech.