Having 'the talk' isn't always easy. Find advice for parents and caregivers on talking to their kids about sex and reproduction.
Learn why starting to talk to your child about sex when they are young and continuing that conversation as they get older is a good strategy.
Learn about the different types of sexually transmitted infections and when and how to talk to your child or teen about them.
It's common for people to confuse sex, gender and sexual orientation, but they are all different things. Read more about each of these terms.
This guide outlines what children can understand about sexuality and reproduction at different stages.
Provides information about the various services that are available in schools for children with autism spectrum disorder. Also provides information about other programs that can be used to help pre-school and school-age children.
Most people with epilepsy can have full social, sexual, and family lives. Read about issues surrounding sex and reproduction for those with epilepsy.
Practical tips for parents to nurture spatial reasoning skills in their child.
Learn about sexuality and how it can be impacted by a cancer diagnosis and treatment. You can also find information on making safer choices about sex.
Your goal is to work with your child's teacher to get the best education for your child. Your child has the right to attend school and if you feel they're not getting a "fair shake," get involved with the administration.
Sexuality is a healthy and normal part of life. Find out what sexuality is, how it is impacted by cancer and what you need to know to make safer choices about sex.
A child with a chronic condition eventually transitions back to school. Learn practical tips when advocating for your child at school.
Helpful tips on sharing responsibility when caring for a sick child.
Information and tips on sex for teens living with hemophilia.
Parents can learn helpful tips on how to manage behaviour changes in children who are ill.
Discover how to assess acute pain in an older child (age six to 12) at home and in medical settings.
Learn about things to consider if you are planning to attend higher education including how to decide on the right type of education for you and expectations of higher education.
Parents can find helpful resources on blood and marrow transplants.
Your gender identity is something that you come to understand for yourself. If you are questioning your gender, read more to find out if you might identify as transgender.
Children with one arm weakness need to learn ways to adapt so that they can accomplish everyday tasks. Find tips and strategies for daily activities.
Find out how parents and caregivers can encourage and reinforce positive behaviour in children up to age 5 years, as well as manage and redirect unwanted behaviours.
This page provides information about leading arthritis organizations in Canada.
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