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This page is an introduction to the At Home section of the scoliosis resource centre. It touches on building back your teen's food intake after scoliosis surgery, going back to school, and getting back to normal.

This section describes what you and your teen can expect during their recovery, including care at home, pain management, clinic visits, and complications to watch for.

After not eating much while in hospital, your teenager’s appetite may remain quite small for a while. This is normal. Start by having them eat several small meals or snacks a day and gradually build back to normal. You may also notice they have lost some weight after being in the hospital. The weight should come back once they start building up their food intake again. If your teen’s hemoglobin is low following surgery, their surgeon may recommend iron supplements.

Teens usually go back to school about three to six weeks after surgery. Your teen may want to start going back for half-days at first, and then work up to full days.

In general, it will take several months for your teen to feel back to normal. Many teens report that it takes that long for the pain to go away and for their energy levels to return.

Dernières mises à jour: juin 1st 2008