How the iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program works

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This program is for teens aged 12 to 18 and their caregivers. It is designed to help teens learn how to better manage and live with sickle cell pain.

Key points

  • The iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program includes this learning hub for you and a separate learning hub for your teen.
  • This parent learning hub has six core skills modules (or sections) to help you support your teen's pain management. It also has a library of articles about sickle cell disease, which you can read through at your own pace.
  • To get the most out of the program, continue to use the strategies that work best for you and your teen after you finish the skills modules.

The Sickle Cell Disease Learning Hub provides advice and in-depth information about sickle cell disease and how to manage it. There are separate learning hubs for teens and parents.

Teen website

Your teen will use their version of this learning hub to:

  • learn new skills each week to help manage pain and improve functioning
  • complete weekly assignments to practise and improve skills
  • access audio, video and animations to better understand key points and hear from other young people living with sickle cell pain

Parent website

You will use this learning hub to:

  • learn new skills each week to improve communication and problem solving so that you can support your teen
  • complete weekly assignments to practise and improve your skills
  • keep up to date on what your teen is learning

How the program was developed

The iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program was developed by a team from The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto), Seattle Children's Hospital, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Connecticut Children's Medical Center and the Centre for Global eHealth Innovation (Toronto).

The team includes researchers, doctors and other health-care professionals, as well as young people with sickle cell disease from across Canada and the United States.

What to expect as you follow the program

This program will help you and your teen learn as much as possible about how to cope with sickle cell pain in daily life. By learning the recommended skills, you may start to feel more in control, better able to solve problems, and more able to help your teen do important daily activities.

To get the most out of the program, continue to use the strategies that work best for you and your teen after you finish the skills modules.

You will get the most benefit from this program if you do your best to follow these guidelines.

  • Be open to trying new things and practising new skills.
  • Be ready to try things several times to see if they work for you.
  • Read through each skills module in order.
  • Complete the weekly assignments and practise the skills throughout the week.

This is your program. The more effort you put into it, the more you will get out of it!

Dernières mises à jour: février 21st 2024