Sickle cell disease and problem solving: See if the solution worked

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Step 5 of the Bright IDEAS system for problem solving is to see how your plan worked and if you are satisfied with the solution. Learn how to rate your solution and what the next steps are based on your rating.

Key points

  • The last step of the Bright IDEAS system is to rate how satisfied you are with the solution to your problem on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Continue using your solution if you rated your satisfaction as a 4 or 5 (meaning you were satisfied or very satisfied).
  • If you rated your satisfaction as a 1, 2 or 3, identify the reasons the plan did not work as well as expected. Then, adjust your plan for the solution or move on to your second or third choices.
  • If you think none of your solutions will work, you might need to go back to Step 1 to check that you identified the problem correctly.

The final step in the Bright IDEAS system is to see how the plan worked, and if it gave you a satisfactory solution to your problem.

  • Rate your level of satisfaction out of 5 (with 5 being very satisfied).
  • If you rated your satisfaction as a 4 or 5, you can continue using this solution.
  • If you rated your satisfaction a 1, 2 or 3, then perhaps the plan did not work out as well as you expected. Identify the reasons why. You may have to adjust your plan for the solution or even move on to your second- or third-choice options.

If you no longer think any of the solutions will work, that is fine. What you might need to do is go back to Step 1: Identify the problem and check that you defined it correctly.

Case study: Maya sees if her plan worked

After putting her plan into action, Maya looks back on the week to see how well it worked.


On Monday my plan kind of worked because Eva went to school, but my husband and I still wound up arguing. On Tuesday she didn’t go to school, but she still kept her cell phone and my husband and I argued about it. On Wednesday my plan definitely didn’t work.

On a scale of 1–5, how satisfied are you with the result?

I'd say 1 out of 5.

Maya is not satisfied with how things went. The problem she wanted to address was: “My husband and I fight most mornings about whether to make Eva go to school.”

After trying to take Eva’s phone away, she found that she and her husband were arguing just as much as before. Taking the phone away wasn’t effective for getting Eva to school either.

Maya thinks more about how the week went and decides that taking Eva’s phone away is not worth trying again. Instead, she looks back at her list of possible solutions and decides to try another.

Dernières mises à jour: mars 4th 2024