Antegrade continence enema with appendicostomy (Malone antegrade continence enema - MACE)

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Find out how an antegrade continence enema can help your child and how to give an antegrade continence enema at home.

Key points

  • An antegrade continence enema (ACE) is a saline solution that is given through a tube into a passage between the abdomen and the intestine.
  • Your child will need an appendicostomy to create the passage before receiving the ACE. After surgery, your child will have a stoma and be fitted with a tube to help the stoma keep its shape.
  • Call your nurse if there is a problem with the tube or if your child's skin is irritated. Call the surgeon if your child has a fever, is vomiting or is in pain even after taking pain medicine or if the tube appears to be blocked.
  • Your child's health-care team will teach you how to give an enema and tell you when you can start. Follow their instructions carefully.
  • If an ACE is not effective, tell your nurse so that they can adjust the ACE solution or frequency.
Dernières mises à jour: septembre 19th 2014