How the Sickle Cell Disease Learning Hub is organized

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Learn about the different sections and topics in the Sickle Cell Disease Learning Hub and what to expect from each one.

Key points

  • The Sickle Cell Disease Learning Hub has six weekly modules (sections). It is best to work through the modules one at a time, in order, and do one module each week.
  • Each module offers information, advice and instructions to help you learn how our thoughts, actions and responses can influence pain, and how you as a parent can support your teen to manage their pain.
  • On the last page of each module is a weekly assignment to help you practise the new skills you learned.
  • Your teen’s health-care team are the best people to answer questions about your teen’s medical needs.

The Sickle Cell Disease Learning Hub has two main parts:

  1. weekly modules
  2. a sickle cell library

Your weekly modules

This parent learning hub has six weekly modules (sections).

  1. Introduction
  2. Behaviour skills
  3. Problem solving 1
  4. Problem solving 2
  5. Communication
  6. Wrap-up and review

The program works best if you work through the modules one at a time, in order, and do one module each week. You are currently working through the Introduction module.

What to expect in each parent module

  • Each module offers information, advice and instructions to help you learn how our thoughts, actions and responses can influence pain, and how you as a parent can support your teen to manage their pain.
  • On the last page of each module is a weekly assignment to help you practise the new skills you learned.

Weekly skills modules for teens

The teen learning hub has six core skills modules and two optional modules. The optional modules are intended for teens who find it difficult to fall or stay asleep and/or experience negative moods.

  1. Introduction
  2. Managing stress and emotions
  3. Relaxation
  4. Sleep
  5. Healthy lifestyle
  6. Communication and self-advocacy

Optional skills modules for teens

  1. Insomnia
  2. Negative emotions

Sickle cell library

In the sickle cell library, you will find information on a range of topics related to sickle cell disease. You can go through the sections of the sickle cell library at your own pace, whenever you are interested, or go straight to a section on a specific topic. This information is available for your teen and for you.

Sickle cell library lessons

  1. About sickle cell disease
  2. Treatments and medications
  3. All about pain
  4. Healthy lifestyle choices
  5. Mental health
  6. Looking ahead


The iCanCope with Sickle Cell Pain program is intended to offer additional support to what your teen receives from their regular health-care team. The members of your teen's health-care team are still the best people to answer any questions about your teen’s medical needs.

Dernières mises à jour: août 21st 2024