Prematurity resources

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This page contains information on book resources available for parents of premature babies.

Key points

  • There are many books on the subject of premature babies to help parents know what to expect and how to cope.

In addition to this website, there are multiple resources for parents of premature babies including several books on the subject.


Your Premature Baby: The First Five Years

by Nikki Bradford and Sandra Lousada
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Firefly Books Ltd (2003)
ISBN: 1552976556

Your Premature Baby is the definitive guide to every aspect of nurturing a child who is born too soon. Reassuring and frank, it provides excellent information and guides parent’s right from their baby's too-early birth into the growing years.

The Premature Baby Book: A Parent's Guide to Coping and Caring in the First Years

by Helen Harrison and Ann Kositsky
Paperback: 273 pages
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (1983)
ISBN: 0312636490

This book provides information on practical issues facing parents after the birth of a premature baby and will certainly fill a need for mothers and fathers of premature infants. Personal stories from other parents will provide the reader with additional support during their babies’ medical treatment and at home. It offers a caring supportive approach and provides parents with some excellent coping techniques.

Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies

by Dana Wechsler Linden, Emma Trenti Paroli, and Mia Wechsler Doron M.D.
Paperback: 592 pages
Publisher: Pocket (2000)
ISBN: 067103491X

This book is divided into four sections (Before Birth, In the Hospital, A Life Together, and Other Considerations). Topics include risk factors, the first day, the first week, surgery, taking the baby home and many other topics. Each section contains personal observations from parents of preemies, insightful comments from "the doctor's perspective" and information on procedures, equipment, common problems and other issues. While medical information is presented in detail, the book maintains a personal, reassuring tone, explaining that, though their organs and body functions are immature, most preemies are basically healthy. Since parents can't always plan ahead for the possibility of a preemie, this book serves as a useful tool for communicating with medical staff. Included is a helpful resource guide and glossary of terms.

Born Too Soon

by Elizabeth Mehren
Paperback: 325 pages
Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corporation (1998)
ISBN: 1575663155

Emily Eaton Butterfield arrived 15 weeks early, weighing one pound eleven ounces. Active and alert, Emily fought to live but developed necrotizing enterocolitis that destroyed her intestines. She lived 53 days. This moving story written by Emily's mother shows that courage can come in very small packages. In addition to describing conditions on the neonatal intensive care unit, Mehren looks at the intimate, intense relationships that develop between parents and their very low birth weight babies, between parents and their doctors, and between husbands and wives.

Feeding Your Premature Baby

by Gwen Gotsch
Paperback: 60 pages
Publisher: La Leche League International (1999)
ISBN: 0912500506

Author Gwen Gotsch confronts the myths and explains the techniques of breastfeeding premature babies. This short book covers the basics: milk pumping and storage while baby is under intense observation in the hospital; working with health professionals in the care of your newborn; supplementary feedings and ensuring baby's getting enough; first feedings at the breast; kangaroo care and myriad more topics the parents of premature babies need and want to know.

The Premature Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Premature Baby from Birth to Age One

by James Sears, Robert Sears, and William Sears
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown (2004)
ISBN: 0316738220

Bill and Martha Sears, a husband-and-wife, doctor-and-nurse team of pediatric experts and authors of the Sears Parenting Library which includes "The Pregnancy Book", and "The Baby Book". They co-wrote this book on the essentials of premature births with their two oldest sons, Bob and Jim, who are pediatricians, and the result is a comprehensive, authoritative guide to understanding why babies are born prematurely, what the ramifications of such births are and what parents can do about it. The authors address parenting a preemie in the hospital and parenting a preemie at home.

Dernières mises à jour: octobre 31st 2009