When to clean and replace tracheostomy supplies

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Find out how often you need to clean and replace your child's tracheostomy tube supplies.

At the end of this chapter, you will be able to: 

  • review cleaning and maintenance of your child's tracheostomy equipment and supplies.

This page contains general recommendations for cleaning and replacing tracheostomy supplies. Your child’s health-care team may suggest a different routine or timeline for replacement depending on the practices at their hospital or your child’s specific needs.

How often should I clean and/or replace my child's supplies?

On this page, you will find guidelines for cleaning and replacing your child's:

Tracheostomy equipment and supplies
Equipment or supplies​DailyWeeklyMonthly
Tracheostomy tube​

Check the brand of tube. For example, the Bivona tubes can be washed and reused five times.

Always check tracheostomy tube expiry dates (especially back-up sizes).
Tracheostomy obturatorWash after each tracheostomy tube change. Replace when you replace the tracheostomy tube (see above).
Tracheostomy tiesCheck daily and change as neededReplace if Velcro is worn.
Container(s) to store backup tracheostomy tubesSterilize weekly or when used
Suction equipment and supplies
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
Suction machineWipe the outside surface.
Check batteries. They will need to be replaced after about one year or sooner.
Suction canisters​Empty. Wash with warm, soapy water. Rinse well. Leave a little water in the bottom of the canister to stop mucus from sticking to it.​Clean thoroughly at least once a week.Change the canister as per the instruction manual for your device.
Suction catheters*Single use — replace after each use.
Suction tips**​ ​Rinse after each use.Disposable — replace.
Suction tubingDisposable — replace.
Suction machine filters​​Check the filter monthly. Change the filter when it looks dirty or at least once every two months. Filters are disposable.
Water for suctioning​Empty into a separate suctioning cup/container. Never rinse with dirty water!
(This will recontaminate your child's tracheostomy.)
Cup or container for rinsing suction​ catheters​​If disposable, replace daily. If reusable, clean daily. Sterilize containers

*Suction catheters: Standard of practice in hospital due to infection control policies is to discard suction catheters after one use; however, recognizing the home environment differs and financial considerations, many families have opted to reuse suction catheters. In this scenario we suggest at minimum, to rinse after each suction and only using them for one hour.
**Suction tips: Practice will vary from single session use to reusing it up to a week. Catheters are preferred but if you are using a tip inside the tracheostomy tube, be aware that due to infection control guidelines, these should be discarded after each suction session. Oral and nasal suction tips can be rinsed and used for up to one week.

Manual resuscitation equipment and supplies
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
Manual resuscitation bag (disposable)Replace each month, or more often if child is sick.
Manual resuscitation bag (reusable)Take apart according to instructions and wash all parts. Reassemble when dry.
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
​Aerosol tubingClean weekly with soap and water.Replace disposable tubing each month, or more often if your child is sick.
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
Nebulizer cap, insert and cupSoak the parts in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts hot water for one hour. Rinse all parts with warm water and dry with a clean cloth.
​Reusable nebulizer​​​Rinse after each use.​Take apart and wash thoroughly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
​Disposable nebulizer​Empty daily.Wash with warm, soapy water. Replace.
Oxygen interfaces
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
Tracheostomy masks, plastic connectorsWash with warm, soapy water.Replace each month, or more often if your child is sick.
Machines and filters
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
​Compressor unitWipe with a clean, damp cloth after every use.Check the filter monthly, or every 10 to 12 treatments. Replace if dirty, clogged or wet.
Heat and moisture exchanger (HME)Disposable — replace daily.​
​Outlet filter for CoughAssist machineReplace every two weeks.
​Other supplies
Equipment or suppliesDailyWeeklyMonthly
​GauzeReplace daily (may require multiple changes a day).
Oximeter probes​Clean sensor and wipe the outside of the unit. Replace tape when needed. Replace stickers daily.​​​Change probes approximately every 1-3 weeks.​Change cable as needed.
Speaking valve
​Wash once a day when in use, or more often if your child is sick or has increased secretions.
​Make sure that the valve does not stick due to secretions.
Replace when the valve no longer works.
Replace as needed
Tracheostomy capsWash after each useReplace as needed
Dernières mises à jour: novembre 10th 2023