Tracheotomy and tracheostomy tube: How they help your child

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Learn what to expect when your child has a tracheotomy and is fitted with a tracheostomy tube.

  • Your child might need a tracheotomy and tracheostomy tube to help them overcome an upper airway blockage, receive breathing support from a ventilator or clear excess secretions (mucus) from their lungs.
  • A tracheostomy tube has an outer (and sometimes inner) cannula, an obturator, a cuff, ties and identifiers that show the tube brand and size.
  • Each tracheostomy tube also comes with fenestrations, to help with speech, and a heat and moisture exchanger to moisten the air your child inhales.
  • Aside from affecting a child's breathing, a tracheostomy tube can cause increased mucus at first, alter your child's speech and feeding and make it harder to push stool out of the body.
Dernières mises à jour: août 9th 2017