Nephrostomy tube: Caring for your child at home after the procedure

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Learn how to properly care for your child at home after a nephrostomy tube insertion.

Key points

  • Always keep the nephrostomy tube clean and dry to prevent infection of the skin at the exit site or a kidney infection.
  • The tube should be well-secured to your child’s body to prevent tube movement at the insertion site and accidental tube removal.
  • Always keep the catheter drainage bag at a lower level than your child's kidney, as this will prevent the urine from flowing back into kidney.
  • If the flow of urine from the tube decreases or stops, the tube may need to be flushed with a solution called normal saline.
  • Call your child's nurse or the hospital right away if the tube comes out, if there is a change in urine colour, if the flow of urine decreases, if your child develops a fever or begins to feel unwell.
Dernières mises à jour: octobre 20th 2021