Jaundice in newborns

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Jaundice is a condition that causes the skin and the whites of the eyes to turn yellow. Learn about causes and treatments of jaundice in newborns.

Key points

  • Jaundice occurs when there is a build-up of bilirubin in the blood. It is common in newborns.
  • The signs and symptoms of jaundice include yellowish skin and eyes, drowsiness, difficulty feeding and dark or black stools for longer than normal after birth.
  • Doctors can diagnose jaundice with a physical exam and a simple blood test. If your baby needs to have another test of their bilirubin level, follow instructions carefully.
  • To prevent jaundice, feed your baby at least every three hours in the first couple of weeks of life.
  • See your doctor for jaundice the same day if your newborn is not feeding well or appears more jaundiced or dehydrated. Go to your nearest emergency department if your baby is vomiting or has a fever or your doctor is not available.​​​​​
Last updated: November 25th 2014