How anemia of prematurity is treated
There are several effective ways of preventing or reducing the severity of anemia of prematurity:
- delayed clamping of the umbilical cord at birth
- reducing the frequency and volume of blood tests
- early iron supplementation
A baby with anemia of prematurity requires iron supplements, since iron is essential for red blood cell production. Iron supplements are started when the baby is mature enough to tolerate feeds. After iron supplementation, the desired increase in red blood cell production will take several weeks. Iron supplementation is recommended for premature infants for the first six to 12 months of life.
The usual treatment of severe anemia is with blood transfusions to replace the depleted red blood cells. The decision to transfuse an infant with red blood cells will depend on many factors, including their age, need for respiratory support, and overall clinical stability. Premature babies commonly require blood transfusions for anemia. In special circumstances, babies may be given medications that stimulate the production of red blood cells called ESAs, or erythropoiesis-stimulating agents.