Eating and drinking after a uretal reimplant
At home after a ureteral reimplant, your child can have anything they want to drink or eat. But you should make sure that your child drinks lots of liquids. Try to get your child to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.
Medicine for your child
Before your child leaves the hospital, the nurse will tell you about the medicine your child will take at home. This may include a medicine for pain and an antibiotic. An antibiotic is a medicine that fights infections.
Your child must take the medicine exactly as the doctor says to. All the medicine must be finished unless the doctor tells you that your child should stop taking the medicine.
Taking your child's bandage off?
Your child will have a clear plastic bandage over the incision. The incision is the place where the doctor cut the skin to operate. The stitches under this bandage will disappear by themselves. You should leave the clear plastic bandage on for five days after your child's operation. Your child can then soak the bandage off in a bathtub of warm water.
Your child can have a shower or a low tub bath for the first two or three days. For a low tub bath, make sure that the water is below your child's incision. After two or three days, your child can bathe normally.
Returning to regular activities
It is normal for your child to need extra rest during the first few days at home. Your child can do an activity if they feel comfortable doing it. If doing an activity hurts, your child should stop that activity. Children know when they do not feel well enough to do something.
Your child should not play roughly or play contact sports such as football and hockey. They should not take gym class at school for six weeks. Other activities are usually OK. Talk to the nurse about your child's usual activities.
Your child can go back to school one week after they go home from the hospital.