An overview on how to properly care for your child's burn.
Key points
If your child has been scalded by a hot liquid removed all of their clothes and their diaper as these hold the heat and could make the burn worse.
Teach your child to stop, drop and roll if their clothing catches on fire, this will smother the flames.
Even for a small burn or scald a doctor should examine the injury within 72 hours.
Most burn injuries are preventable. However, when an accident happens you must react quickly and appropriately. You can improve the outcome of your child's burn if you use the proper first aid. Here is how.
Burn first aid
Remove any heat source
Burn injuries are often due to scalding with hot liquid. If a hot liquid is spilled on your child, immediately remove all clothes and diapers. Clothes hold the heat and if they are kept on the burn, they may deepen the injury. Teach your child what to do if their clothing catches fire: stop, drop and roll. Your child should not run because this will spread the flames. Rolling on the ground will smother the flames.
Cool the burn
Hold the burned or scalded area under room temperature running water for about 20 minutes.
Cover the burn
Use a clean dry cloth or gauze dressing to lightly cover the burn.
Call 911
Call for help if the burn is large, if it is on the face, hands, feet or groin, or if you are unsure what to do.
Do not use ice
Putting ice on a burn can cause frostbite and further damage the skin.
Do not apply ointments
Applying ointments could prevent proper healing. Do not apply butter, toothpaste, lotions or other creams.
Do not break blisters
Broken blisters are more likely to get infected.
When to seek medical attention
See a doctor even for minor burns
A doctor should examine your child's burn or scald within 72 hours (three days) even if it is a small injury.