Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): Signs and symptoms

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Find out about the range of OCD signs and symptoms in children and teens and how the disorder is diagnosed.

Key points

  • Warning signs of OCD include resisting change, spending too much time on routine tasks, refusing to touch things with bare hands, needing others to say or do things in specific ways, or experiencing outbursts when unable to do things a certain way.
  • Obsessive symptoms include getting ‘stuck’ on certain thoughts, particularly those that are distressing (e.g., doubt about whether things were done ‘properly’, concern about harm coming to yourself or others, etc.). Compulsive symptoms include repeated checking or counting or needing to do things in a certain order or a certain number of times.
  • It is important to get a thorough assessment of your child's symptoms by a health-care professional. An early and proper diagnosis leads to effective treatment and an improved quality of life for both your child and your family.
Last updated: M10 11th 2024