Metatarsus adductus occurs when the outside border of the foot curves inwards. Learn more about why this happens and stretches and exercises that may help to straighten the foot.
Key points
Metatarsus adductus occurs when the outside border of one or both feet curves inwards.
Stretches and exercises can help straighten the foot.
Metatarsus adductus usually resolves on its own by the time your child is two to three years old.
What is metatarsus adductus?
The normal foot on the left has a straight outside border. The foot on the right shows metatarsus adductus with the outside border of the foot curving inwards.
Metatarsus adductus is a common foot condition in babies and young children. Normally, the foot has a straight outside border. In metatarsus adductus, the outside border of the foot curves inwards, resulting in a bean-shaped appearance.
Metatarsus adductus is thought to be related to the position of the baby in the mother’s uterus and can affect one or both feet. A baby with metatarsus adductus should have a careful hip examination.
In most babies, affected feet stay flexible, and the condition resolves over the first 2 to 3 years without treatment.
Treatment of metatarsus adductus
Some babies and young children with metatarsus adductus need assessment and monitoring by the child’s doctor or physiotherapist. Gentle stretches and exercises may help to straighten the foot. These exercises should be performed regularly. Exercises are most effective when the baby or child is relaxed and should never be painful for them. In rare cases treatment may be needed. This may consist of a series of casts, special braces or shoe inserts.
If you are concerned that your child’s foot remains stiff or is not improving, talk to their doctor or physiotherapist.
Stretches and exercises
Midfoot stretch
Gently move the side of your baby’s foot outwards so it is straight. This may be held for a 20-30 seconds, or longer if your baby is comfortable.
Muscle stimulation exercise
Gently stroke the outside and front of your baby’s foot and lower leg to encourage the foot into a normal position.