Learn how to make a salt rinse (saline solution) at home.
Key points
Saline solution can be made at home and has several useful purposes.
It is generally safe to make at home, as long as you wash your hands and the container in which you plan to store the solution.
It is important to only use a fresh saline solution and to throw it away if it looks cloudy or dirty.
Saline is a mixture of salt and water. A normal saline solution is called normal because its salt concentration is similar to tears, blood and other body fluids (0.9% saline). It is also called isotonic solution. A homemade saline solution can be used to:
Warning! Do not drink homemade saline solution and do not use it to:
cleanse the bladder or a urinary catheter (bladder irrigation)
rinse your eyes or contact lenses, as this could lead to corneal abrasions
treat dehydration
How to make a saline solution at home
Saline solution is easy to make at home. Always wash your hands with soap and water before preparing saline at home.
You will need:
one clean, air-tight glass bottle or jar with lid
pot with lid
table salt (it is best to use non-iodized salt, which does not have iodine in it)
baking soda (optional, but will make the solution less irritating)
Option 1:
Put 1 cup (250 mL) of tap water into a pot and boil for 15 minutes with the lid on.
Remove from heat and cool until the water reaches room temperature.
Add ½ teaspoon of salt into the pot and stir to dissolve. Optional: Add a pinch of baking soda and stir to dissolve.
Carefully pour the salt-water solution from the pot into the jar or bottle and put the lid on.
Refrigerate solution and use within 24 hours.
If you plan on using the saline solution as a nasal saline rinse, you may want to make a larger batch. Follow this recipe:
Put 4 cups (1 L) of tap water into a pot and boil for 15 minutes with the lid on.
Remove from heat and cool until the water reaches room temperature.
Add 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the pot and stir to dissolve.
Carefully pour the solution from the pot into the jar or bottle and put the lid on.
Refrigerate solution and use within 24 hours.
Option 2:
You can used distilled water purchased from most pharmacies and grocery stores to make sterile and longer-lasting saline without boiling water. This is an easy and less time-consuming process.
Mix 8 teaspoons of salt into 4 L of distilled water.
Refrigerate solution and use within one month.
More information about the treatment
Saline solution: A few important points
Bacteria can grow in saline and cause infections, so it is very important to only use a freshly made saline solution.
Use a clean glass jar or bottle that has been recently washed in a full-cycle dishwasher or boil-sterilized for 10 minutes. This will help prevent bacteria from contaminating the solution.
Boiling tap water will sterilize the water by removing bacteria and chemicals.
Do not swallow the saline solution.
Never use homemade saline for eyes or contact lenses.
Keep the saline made from boiled tap water in a bottle or a glass jar for a maximum of 24 hours. Keep the saline made from distilled water for a maximum of one month. Throw away any unused solution, wash the container and make a new solution.
Throw away the solution if it grows cloudy or looks dirty.
Keep the saline solution sterile by not dipping anything into the container. Rather, pour the amount needed into another container or cup and then draw up the saline with a syringe.