Albinism is a genetic condition that causes a person to have no, or very little, pigment in the eyes and sometimes in the skin and hair also. Albinism is passed from parent to child because of a genetic mutation.
Ocular albinism (OA) is a genetic condition that affects the pigment in the eyes. It causes poor eyesight. OA does not affect the pigment in the skin or the hair.
Genetics can play an important role in your family's health. Learn more about genetics; genetic counselling, screening, and diagnosis; different genetic conditions; and how genetics relate to understanding and managing overall health.
Discover why you or your child may have been referred for a genetics appointment and what to expect when you see a geneticist and/or a genetic counsellor.
Find out how genetics play a part in many types of epilepsy.
Learn about genetics and how genetics contribute to health and disease.
Learn about the role that genetics plays in many heart conditions that afflict children.
Understanding your child's cleft lip and/or palate through genetic assessments.
Hereditary spherocytosis is a genetic condition. In most cases it is inherited from a parent. Learn how HS is inherited and what happens in a de novo mutation.
Learn about the genetic causes of 22q11 deletion syndrome, risk factors and confirming diagnosis.
A list of websites with in-depth information on neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) in children.
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) occurs because of a mutation to the NF1 gene. About half of cases are spontaneous mutations, while the other half are inherited from a parent to a child.
Learn more about genetics.
A healthy weight is different for everyone. Find out how you can maintain the weight that is healthy for you and why this is important.
An overview of the causes, genetics, symptoms, diagnosis, environmental risks and treatment of childhood brain tumours.
Genetic counselling helps people understand genetic or inherited disorders. It can help families learn about neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and decide if testing is right for them.
Find out how anorexia nervosa can occur and who is most likely to be affected by it.
Learn about the main features and causes of bulimia nervosa.
Skeletal dysplasia is a term used to describe a group of genetic conditions that cause abnormal formation of bone and cartilage. Growth and other bodily functions may also be affected.
Learn more about body image and how having a positive body image can improve your overall health.
Genetic counselling is a process that provides information and support to individuals and families at risk of, or with, a genetic condition.
Learn about heart-related syndromes. A syndrome is a medical term for a collection of signs and symptoms that generally stem from a single cause.
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas stops producing insulin. Learn the symptoms, causes and how this life-long condition is diagnosed.