The following tip sheets were created to help children manage their symptoms. These symptoms are very common in children with cancer.
The tip sheets suggest strategies patients can do with their families and with their care team and include guidance on when to call the care team. The care team will use a patient’s SSPedi score and their symptoms to provide guidance and suggest strategies to help the patient manage their symptoms. SSPedi is a 15 item symptom screening tool for children receiving cancer treatment and undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant.
Some suggestions in the tip sheets may not be important for everyone. For example, younger patients may not be able to do certain things or use certain strategies that older patients may find useful.
Also, recommended strategies may not always be available. For example, peer support groups may not be available at every centre and at all times.
Please click on the links below to take you to the tip sheet for the symptoms you or your child is experiencing.
Tip sheets:
What can I do about feeling disappointed or sad?
What can I do about feeling scared or worried?
What can I do about feeling cranky or angry?
What can I do about problems with thinking or remembering things?
What can I do about changes in how my body or face look?
What can I do about feeling tired?
What can I do about mouth sores?
What can I do about hurt or pain including headache?
What can I do about tingly or numb hands or feet?
What can I do about throwing up or feeling like I might throw up?
What can I do about feeling more or less hungry than I usually do?
What can I do about changes in taste?
What can I do about constipation (hard to poop)?
What can I do about diarrhea (watery, runny poop)?