About parenteral nutrition (PN)

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Parenteral nutrition is liquid nutrition that is given to your child through an intravenous (IV) infusion if their digestive system cannot absorb or tolerate adequate food or fluids by mouth or through a feeding tube to be able to grow and thrive.

Key points

  • Parenteral nutrition (PN) is liquid nutrition that is given to your child through intravenous (IV) infusion.
  • Your child will receive PN if they cannot absorb or tolerate adequate food or fluids by mouth or through a feeding tube.
  • PN solution includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes.
  • Your child may need to receive PN for a few weeks or months to several years. In some cases, they might require PN for life.
Last updated: Tháng 11 3rd 2022