Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Learning Hub
Learning HubThe Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Clinic assesses babies who have been admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Cardiac Critical Care Unit (CCCU) and may be at risk for developmental issues. Learn about what you can expect during your baby's development and how you can help your child achieve developmental milestones.
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About the Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-up Clinic
The following are general recommendations provided by the Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-up Clinic at SickKids to help promote motor skills, early language development and socialization.
Motor skills
Learn about gross motor skills (such as rolling, crawling or walking) and fine motor skills (such as reach and grasp) and how you can help your child develop these skills.
Speech and language
Parents and caregivers play an important role in helping children develop their speech and language skills. Learn how you can help your child and when to worry.
Speech and language development
- Speech and language development from ages 0 to 3
- Speech and language development between ages 3 and 5
- Tips for language development at 18 months
- Keys to developing language at 18 months
- Tips for language development at 3 years
- Babbling with your child
- Early intervention strategies for teaching language
- Home-based play to help develop your child's language
- How to help with articulation difficulties
- Speech-language pathology services during hospital admission(s)
Sensory development
Learn about the sensory systems, sensory development and how your baby may be influenced by sensation.
Learning and thinking
Find out how babies and young children learn and think, and how you can encourage creativity and curiosity in your child.
Learning to think
Learning through play
Healthy screen time
Getting a consistent good night's sleep is important for babies and children to grow. Proper sleep will help your child become a creative thinker, concentrate on tasks and have better problem-solving abilities.
Feeding and nutrition
Proper nutrition is important to help your baby or child grow. Some children may also need special nutritional care depending on their age and condition.
Health and nutrition
Nutrition for babies
Nutrition for toddlers
Nutrition for children
Nutrition for specific conditions
All babies and children behave differently. Learn what you can expect as your child grows, and what you can do to help your child with behavioural and learning issues.
Transitioning to school
Having your child start school is stressful for most parents, especially if you're concerned about how your child will adjust. Learn what parents and caregivers can do to help make their child's transition to school easier for everyone.
Going to school
Talking to your child's school
Maternal and family health
Having a baby can be a big adjustment for you and your family. Learn about adjusting to your new baby, managing relationship stress and the development of attachment between caregivers and baby.
You and your partner
When your child is in the hospital
Community resources
In this section, find links to even more information about child health and development, as well as links to resources for community programming, research and funding.
Community programming
Other resources
- SickKids Foundation Podcast: How do we help parents help their kids?
- Canadian Premature Babies Foundation
- Caring for Kids
- Infant Mental Health Promotion
- Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health
- Best Start
- Empowered Kids Ontario
- Looksee Checklist
- Zero to Three
- Center on the Developing Child
- Early Abilities - Toronto Public Health