Information for parents about hereditary multiple osteochondromas (previously called hereditary multiple exostoses), a genetic condition that causes growths (bumps) on the bones.
Hereditary spherocytosis is a genetic condition. In most cases it is inherited from a parent. Learn how HS is inherited and what happens in a de novo mutation.
Learn about hereditary spherocytosis, how it is diagnosed, treated, and what the potential complications are for people living with the condition.
Marfan syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder of connective tissue. About 60% to 80% of people with this syndrome have heart problems.
Chorea is chaotic, random, repetitive, purposeless movements that usually involve multiple body parts. Sydenham's chorea (SC) is the most common form of acquired chorea in children.
Find out how to adjust insulin doses at home using the sliding scale when your child is on a multiple daily injections (MDI) routine
Learn about heart-related syndromes. A syndrome is a medical term for a collection of signs and symptoms that generally stem from a single cause.
Genetics can play an important role in your family's health. Learn more about genetics; genetic counselling, screening, and diagnosis; different genetic conditions; and how genetics relate to understanding and managing overall health.
This page explains the diagnosis and treatment of primary immune deficiency (PID), a genetic condition that weakens the immune system.
A MUGA scan is a radioactive imaging technique that allows doctors to see the flow of blood through the heart. Learn how to prepare a child for a MUGA scan.
Diagnosing cancer can involve lots of questions, a physical exam and multiple tests. Find out what to expect during the process of diagnosis and about some of the specialists you may see.
Learn about genetics and how genetics contribute to health and disease.
Learn about aortic atresia. With this condition, there is no opening from the left ventricle into the aorta.
Learn what causes pancreatitis, what the signs and symptoms are and what treatments are available
Learn about blood and marrow transplants, for a child with an immune deficiency.
Pulmonary artery banding is done to reduce blood flow to the lungs.
Your child needs to take the medicine called glatiramer acetate for multiple sclerosis. This information sheet explains what glatiramer acetate does and how to give it to your child. It also explains what side effects or problems your child may have when
Café-au-lait macules are flat marks on the skin. Find out how CALMs are diagnosed, how they affect the body and how they are treated.
Learn about different types and possible signs and symptoms of heart conditions in children.
Information about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of periodic fever adenitis pharyngitis aphthous ulcer (PFAPA) syndrome.
Provides a list and description of the various agencies that provide multiple services to children who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Ewing sarcoma is a type of cancer that can start in bone and sometimes soft tissue. It is most commonly found in children, teens and young adults. Learn about the signs and symptoms and how it is diagnosed and treated.
Patients with type 1 diabetes and some with type 2 must receive insulin manually. Learn what an insulin regimen is and the different routines.
Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) is an autoinflammatory disease that causes swelling in the joints. Discover quick facts about sJIA, including its symptoms.
Learn how Hirschprung disease affects the bowel and how it is diagnosed and usually treated.